Potency is a measure of a man's health and positive psychological state. As a rule, it does not go away on its own: weakened sexual desire and erection indicate hidden problems in the body or severe, prolonged stress. Male strength is also weakened by bad habits and being overweight - both of which negatively affect the production of androgen hormones.
- Far Eastern plant that enhances male vitality: ginseng
- Similar to ginseng - stimulates sexual desire
- Effects of obesity on sexual health
- Exercises to increase blood flow in the groin area
Effective treatment with folk remedies: the most effective method
Herbal preparations from the field of traditional medicine are safe, have no side effects and are affordable. They are very easy to prepare yourself. Healers believe that the best folk method for increasing male vitality is tea made from hop cones, they advise drinking infusion of St. John's wort. John's wort and parsley.
All these herbs that increase potency in men are folk remedies that came to us from a time when official medicine was not yet developed. Here are folk remedies to quickly and safely increase potency:
- Hops tea. Take 10 grams (one large spoon) of dry hop cones, add a cup of water and bring to a boil. Keep in water bath or low temperature for 5 minutes. Drink half a glass every day in the morning and evening for 2 months.
- Decoction of St. John's wort. Buy a package of St. John's wort at the pharmacy, pour 2 tablespoons of the plant with 250 ml of boiling water and close the lid. It is convenient to use a thermos to prepare infusions. After an hour, filter the water and drink in several doses throughout the day. John's wort helps with blood circulation problems, which means it is helpful for erections.
- Radish seeds. This herb improves potency and strengthens the immune system, so drinking parsley infusion from time to time is useful, even if there are no special health problems. Preparation: Pour 2 tablespoons of dried vegetables into a thermos with a cup of boiling water. After two hours, the infusion is ready. Filter the water and drink ⅓ cup 20 minutes before meals. Honey or fruit syrup to taste will give the drink a pleasant taste.
Improving potency in men with folk remedies is also achieved with the help of food. A mixture of nuts and honey is an effective and delicious folk remedy for improving potency. Eat this delicious dish after a meal as a dessert and see how your masculine strength will return to you. The thing to remember is that the mixture of nuts and honey is high in calories, so do not overdo it, a spoonful at a time is enough.

Cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese also help the body restore sexual function. This is probably the food you are missing in your diet. Buy fermented milk with medium and high fat content, low-fat products do not have beneficial properties.
How can traditional medicine help treat impotence?
Sexual impotence is explained by the influence of many factors.
These can be chronic diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes or obesity.
Stressful situations, chronic fatigue, diseases of the nervous system and bad habits play an important role in reducing male strength.
Of course, the resulting diseases must be treated with specially selected drugs, and folk remedies will help to quickly restore lost functions.
Using grandmother's recipes in medicine allows you to:
- Restores the body after prolonged stress, strengthens the nervous system;
- Increases the body's overall resistance;
- Normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
- Improve vitality.
In addition, specially selected recipes will help to cope with prostatitis, which also leads to erectile dysfunction.
The advantage of traditional medicine is also considered to have the least toxic effects on the body, which cannot be ignored in most pharmaceuticals.
Naturally, relying solely on various decoctions, conspiracies and similar techniques is fundamentally wrong.
A man experiencing problems in his sex life should completely reconsider his lifestyle.
- Get rid of bad habits. The chemicals of tobacco and alcohol are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, blood circulation is disrupted, and this leads to imbalances in various organs, including the genital area.
- Reduce your weight. Obesity reduces testosterone levels and is a factor that stimulates prostate tumors.
- Increase your physical activity. Sports will help normalize weight, improve blood circulation and all metabolic reactions in the body.
- Eat properly. The diet must include green vegetables, seafood, nuts, lean meats and dairy products. Natural aphrodisiacs include celery, rose hips, pomegranates, citrus fruits, kiwi and figs.
Among traditional medicines for the treatment of impotence, you can choose herbal decoctions and infusions, products prepared from bee products and other most popular ingredients.
Spices are a treasure trove of benefits for men's health
Ginger, saffron and cloves are recognized as fast-acting folk remedies for male physiology. Dishes containing these ingredients are traditionally served for a romantic "going on" dinner. The same thing happens with spices like:
- celery;
- nutmeg;
- Cinnamon;
- cardamom;
- vanilla.
Spices are used as a supplement to foods or on their own. Try a stimulating drink made from ginger using an ancient recipe from Asia.
Ginger aphrodisiac drink
Grate fresh ginger root (2-3 cm) or chop it in a food processor, add cinnamon and honey and pour a cup of boiling water. Folk remedies for enhancing male vitality with this plant also include ginger tincture mixed with wine. To do this, a kilogram of mashed vegetables should be poured with a liter of high-quality vodka, and after two weeks the tincture is ready. Drink 10 drops every night.
Another way to increase male vitality with folk remedies is to eat ground ginger mixed with honey. If you dissolve the mixture in water, you will get a delicious and healthy drink that will help prevent prostatitis, a common cause of sexual weakness in men.
Ginger can also be pickled, candied and dried. In any form, it will help to quickly increase potency (folk remedy) in adult men, even in old age, the plant effectively increases libido. The stimulating effect is achieved by increasing blood flow and stimulating testosterone production. In addition, it speeds up metabolism. However, people with liver and gallbladder problems should not eat ginger because this product increases bile secretion.
Far Eastern plant enhances male vitality
The flora of countries with a subarctic climate is rich in medicinal plants. They are widely used in alternative medicine as folk remedies to enhance potency in men.
Ginseng is a well-known plant used as a stimulant for the metabolism, nervous system and of course as an "energizing folk remedy" with immediate effects. In ancient times, its roots, shaped like a human figure, were sold for gold, and ginseng reserves were kept secret. The collection of plants was accompanied by magical rituals and ceremonies.
Ginseng is part of dietary supplements for men, designed to improve body tone and enhance sexual performance. Although highly effective, ginseng is less toxic and suitable for most people. However, ginseng medicine should not be taken in the evening so as not to have difficulty falling asleep.
Potency in men can be enhanced with folk remedies using ginseng in the following ways:
- Infusion of liquids containing alcohol (wine, vodka, liquor). To prepare half a liter of tincture, you will need 1 root, fresh or dried. The concentration of this substance ranges from 1 to 5%. Take the tincture 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp.
- Dried ginseng roots are crushed and taken in food at a dosage of 0. 15 to 0. 25 grams in the morning, lunch and evening. True, such a substance does not last long; The dough quickly gets moldy.
- Whole fresh ginseng roots are added to 1 liter of honey and left for a month. Honey enriched with ginseng is a proven way to enhance potency using folk remedies.
Note: if you intend to use ginseng for a course (30-40 days), you should use half the prescribed dosage in the first 10 days. When repeating the course after 2 weeks, start immediately with the full dose. When using ginseng as a one-time aphrodisiac, take the daily dose in one sitting.
Similar to ginseng - stimulates sexual desire
The Far Eastern plant Eleutherococcus is an analogue of ginseng, almost inferior in medicinal properties. Eleutherococcus medicine is prepared similarly to ginseng. Aralia Manchuriana has similar properties - a strong stimulant that requires caution due to its toxicity. Below is the formula to restore male strength using folk remedies:
Take 70% alcohol and mix well the dry roots of the plant in a ratio of 1: 5. After 2 weeks, squeeze and filter the resulting infusion and drink 35 drops 2-3 times before lunch for a month. For arterial hypertension, the dosage is reduced to 10 drops twice a day.
It is also possible to increase potency in men using folk remedies with the help of Schisandra chinensis. To do this, you need 10 grams of seeds and pour 50 grams of vodka, leave for 14 days and drink 30 drops in the morning.
To increase potency in men with folk remedies immediately before sex, prepare a doping drink. Mix a tablespoon of lemongrass with hot water and soak for half a day, then filter the water and drink. This berry tea can be sweetened with sugar.
Here is another simple recipe on how to improve potency with folk remedies: dry Chinese lemongrass seeds, grind into powder in a coffee grinder and add half a gram to food twice a day. You can mix the powder with water, and if you eat two or three fresh or dried lemongrass a few hours before sex, your erection will not be impaired.
Effects of obesity on sexual health
Noticing a decrease in sexual desire and impaired erection, many people seek to improve the situation by using drugs or traditional potency enhancing methods. But for folk remedies to increase male vitality to be beneficial, you must first put the body in order, for example, get rid of excess pounds. We will now explain why this must be done.
Three obesity factors affect male strength:
- physical - big belly, fat accumulation in the chest and hips makes the body clumsy. Heaviness prevents the realization of sexual fantasies, and sex life becomes monotonous and boring;
- psychological - changes in appearance for the worse cause self-doubt. Relationships with women become distant, because a man with low self-esteem does not expect reciprocity. Perceptions of one's own unattractiveness are reflected in potential and positive perceptions of the opposite sex in general;
- physiology - the higher the body mass index, the more the female hormone estrogen is produced in the body, which inhibits men's sexual function. But testosterone synthesis decreases proportionally to the development of adipose tissue. Female hormones "defeat" male hormones, so the reproductive system has problems, desire decreases and erections become less and less likely. Restoring potency with folk remedies at home will not help here - you will have to take careful care of yourself.
If obesity is not prevented, hormone levels will continue to change and soon the appearance will begin to resemble that of a woman. The mammary glands swell, the timbre of the voice changes to a higher pitch. Therefore, before trying to increase your vitality with folk remedies, you should adjust your body by balancing your diet and increasing physical activity.
Another problem for obese men that has a detrimental effect on fertility is poor circulation. The blood supply to the pelvic organs is insufficient to produce a full erection.
Try exercises that help "speed up" the blood in the pelvic area. By the way, traditional medicine to enhance potency in men is often aimed specifically at restoring healthy blood circulation.
Leafy green vegetables
With regular consumption of celery, fennel and parsley, blood flow to the genitourinary system improves and sexual desire increases. Green leafy vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. The product has the effect of reducing inflammation, stimulating sex - increasing desire.
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To improve the quality of your intimate life, eat raw vegetables.