What affects male potency? Smoking is a factor that leads to erectile dysfunction. The pathology develops gradually because toxic substances are systematically introduced into the body, affecting erection and potency.
Nicotine is a substance that causes blood vessels to constrict, leading to poor circulation. Cigarettes also contain: ammonia, tar, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid and other components that negatively affect organs and systems.
Important: due to a long history of smoking in men, blood circulation in the pelvic region is disrupted, arterial blood flow into the penis is reduced relative to erection, vascular atherosclerosis andTestosterone production is significantly reduced. Such changes in the body occur gradually, creating the illusion of harmlessness.
Nicotine has adverse effects on semen properties:
- The quality composition of sperm changes;
- Sperm activity and viability decrease;
- Many defective sperm appear
Scientists around the world show a direct relationship between potency and smoking. It has been proven that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day increases the risk of organic impotence by 60-70%; The ability of sperm to fertilize an egg is reduced by 50%.
Drinking alcohol regularly has a negative impact on sexual performance. According to statistics, men who drink alcohol 2-3 times a week at the age of 50-55 are at risk of complete impotence. The harmful effects of alcoholic beverages are as follows:
- The electrical conductivity of the reproductive organs is impaired, thus diagnosing alcohol dysfunction.
- Your own production of testosterone decreases, as a result, sexual attraction to the opposite sex also decreases.
- Fatty degeneration of seminiferous tubules, hypertrophy of testicular parenchyma.
- The structural structure of sperm changes, the ability to fertilize is reduced.
Long-term alcohol abuse leads to impaired function of the liver and kidneys, pancreas, endocrine and nervous systems. Under the influence of ethanol, the activity of the central nervous system decreases. These negative consequences lead to impotence, which is difficult to treat with medication.
These negative consequences lead to impotence, which is difficult to treat with medication.
Bad habits
The main causes of health problems today are smoking and drinking alcohol. Because of nicotine and alcohol, men's health is affected first. The first type causes problems with blood vessels, including those in the penis. Alcohol can affect hormone levels. According to statistics, potency problems are more often observed in smokers and alcoholics. Drugs that completely destroy the male body have even more serious harm.
Homemade Tiramisu cake.
Shock wave therapy
An innovative approach in urology, based on the ability of sound waves to stimulate regeneration processes in living tissues. Ultrasound therapy sessions promote the formation of new blood vessels in the penile area, so that even if there are severe problems with peripheral blood supply (commonly seen in heart patients and diabetics), the effect will be restored within a few weeks. This method has almost no contraindications and allows, even without the use of drugs, to achieve long-term results in patients of different ages.
Loss of potency is definitely a stressful thing for a man. However, there is no reason to look at it tragically: according to doctors, irreparable cases of this type practically do not occur. Don't delay seeing your doctor if you notice signs of erectile dysfunction. After all, the sooner treatment begins, the sooner you can regain the joy of an active sex life.
The clinic's team of doctors and professors are trained in China.
The man's physical condition
It has been proven that poor physical development leads to weakening of the entire body and especially fertility. Lack of activity first of all leads to circulatory failure, which weakens tissue nutrition. The hormonal background of men gradually changes due to the development of adipose tissue - testosterone becomes significantly less, but estrogen levels increase.
Trauma and sexual function have negative effects. A noticeable decrease in male potency is observed with damage to the pelvis, spine and abdominal organs.
Bacteria, viruses and parasites can significantly weaken a man's health.
Be careful: chronic prostatitis in 89% of cases threatens prostate cancer! ↑
If treatment is neglected, many patients will experience problems such as impotence, high blood pressure and strong changes in psycho-emotional state.
How to be treated if there is deception everywhere? Journalist Sheinin conducted his investigation. INthis paragraphhe discovered a drug that brought remarkable results in the treatment of prostatitis and the recovery of erectile dysfunction - this drugUrotrin.
Excessive sugar and carbohydrates in the diet and abuse of sweets threaten hormonal imbalance and the development of many dangerous diseases, such as diabetes.
What is good and bad for male potency and erection?
Very few men are aware of what is bad and what is good for fertility. In fact, there are a number of factors that have a negative or positive impact on men's ability to have an erection. Read more about each of them below!
- What is bad for erections?
- What has a positive impact on potency in a man?
- Food
- Sport
- Coffee
It is suggested that fun drinks have a positive effect on sexual desire and performance in bed.
Physical activity
To enhance testosterone production in the male body, physical activity is necessary. Therefore, you should go to the gym to exercise with weights and exercise machines, this will help you:
- increased testosterone production;
- decreased production of estrogen (female hormone);
- reduces the level of nervous tension;
- improves blood circulation;
- strengthen pelvic muscles.
For gym exercise to have a positive effect on sexual ability, you need to pay attention to a few points. You should not exercise too much, otherwise it will lead to physical exhaustion and depression.
In addition, you do not need to eat too much to gain weight, which will lead to drowsiness. Many athletes use hormonal drugs, which is not recommended. Testosterone analogues can only be used and only after consulting a specialist.
Running is considered the easiest and most beneficial form of physical activity. Jogging is great for potency if you don't overdo it. Short runs promote testosterone production. But long distance running is not recommended as this can reduce the levels of this hormone.
Low physical activity contributes to weight gain and increased cholesterol levels, leading to erection problems.
Mental state of a man.
Causes of decreased physiological ability in men
The manifestation of various harmful environmental factors greatly affects male potency. The emotional foundation of daily life and the diseases that affect this aspect of life also have a significant impact on men's strength.
Good potency in a man is a sign that the whole body is functioning well. On the contrary, decline in male physiological ability is a sign of existing diseases or psychological disorders.
If life is calm, balanced, and health is maintained at the necessary level, men's bravery will be at an appropriate level. There are no factors that prevent a healthy sex life and harmonious relationships with the opposite sex.
Problems with male physiology arise when the body is under severe stress and fatigue.
What unusual things affect men's potency?
The activity of the reproductive system in a man is a kind of indicator of the health of the entire body. The functions of the genital organs are influenced by the state of the vascular system, endocrine organs and nervous system. Potency is made up of two main components: sexual desire and erection.
Libido, i. e. sexual desire, is influenced by testosterone levels and psycho-emotional state. Erection is more affected by diseases such as vascular atherosclerosis (develops with age, when eating fatty foods, having bad habits, due to poor environmental conditions), as well as inflammatory diseasesof infectious origin. The second type includes ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, the causative agent of gonorrhea, etc. v.
What has a negative effect on potency? In fact, there are many harmful factors, it is almost impossible to eliminate them all:
- nicotine. The harmful effects of smoking do not appear immediately. The substances that make up nicotine tend to accumulate in tissues and organs. If a man is addicted to cigarettes from a young age, then by the age of 30-40 he begins to look for salvation in pharmacies in the form of drugs that increase potency. If a man smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, the "likelihood" of impotence increases by 60% and the likelihood of fertilization decreases by 75%. Under the influence of nicotine, blood vessels narrow, including those responsible for nourishing the genital organs. At the same time, blood pressure increases and blood vessels become clogged. In this case, the mechanism is simple - vasoconstriction prevents the corpora cavernosa of the penis from filling with blood, thereby making an erection impossible.
- No physical activity, simply put - low physical activity. If a person does not experience appropriate stress every day, the musculoskeletal system, heart, muscles, respiratory and circulatory systems will suffer. Recently, the problem of low physical activity has become more serious due to urbanization, the increase in the number of cities and the urban population. A decrease in the tone of blood vessels and the muscular system negatively affects potency.
- What negatively affects male potency? Sure, nutrition. Regular consumption of animal fats leads to increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis - one of the causes of impotence. Blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques leads to a decrease in blood pressure, filling the penis with blood. Achieving an erection before becomes impossible. According to some data, atherosclerosis becomes the cause of erectile dysfunction in men over 50 years old in 50% of cases.
- Existmedicinehas a negative impact on effectiveness. They are often used long term as basic therapy. First of all, they include antidepressants, tranquilizers, diuretics, beta blockers. Men with prostate adenoma are prescribed female sex hormones to prevent the growth of adenoma. Female sex hormones are in balance with those of men. When supplemented, an imbalance will occur: a decrease in androgen hormones and an increase in female hormones.
- Chronic diseasesalso affects the effectiveness state. First of all, this includes diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. After being diagnosed with diabetes, in the first 10 years, most men experience impaired erectile function. It is known that the "target" of diabetes is the blood vessels. vascular disease- this is what experts call pathology of the vascular bed, in which the full reproductive capacity of the organs is no longer possible. All organs are affected by this, and impotence is also a sign of vascular disease. Type 2 diabetes also leads to decreased testosterone levels.
This happens due to the rest of the body as a whole and also due to the fact that hormones are produced during sleep.
What does male potency depend on and what can cause its decline?
Men's health depends on many factors. Preserving the physical ability to desire love and have children is one of the important aspects in the life of the strong half of humanity.
However, with age, maintaining good potency becomes increasingly more difficult. If you know what affects your body, what are the harmful effects, and how to prevent it, you can feel youthful and energetic until old age, which will also be noticed by those around you. idea.
non-compliance with normal weight parameters depending on age and height;
Effects of testosterone on potency
Testosterone is the recognized leader among hormones produced in the male body. Secreted by the male gonads and adrenal cortex, it is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, metabolism, physical strength, sexual power and mood. Scientists have discovered that the level of sexual activity depends directly on the level of hormones in the blood. Its decline causes difficulties in men with fertility, ejaculation and reproduction.
Meanwhile, high testosterone levels also have negative effects on the body. In medical practice, a relationship has been established between the occurrence of malignant brain tumors and an increase in testosterone.
Changes in hormone levels are associated with lifestyle, especially with:
- For example, nutrition leads to obesity;
- Drinking alcohol and drugs;
- Use medicine;
- Age-related changes.
In the absence of serious health problems, normal testosterone levels in the male body can be maintained through proper nutrition and exercise. The daily menu, rotating throughout the week, must include:
- green trees;
- Nuts;
- Seafood contains zinc, selenium and essential fatty acids necessary for men - shrimp, salmon, mackerel, squid, shellfish;
- Lean red meat. To increase testosterone levels, it is more effective to use in combination with traditional spices such as horseradish, garlic, red pepper;
- Pea's tree;
- Dairy products (especially cheese, cottage cheese);
- Vegetables, especially celery and ginger.
A prerequisite is also enough sleep at night, daily walks in the fresh air during the day and physical activity.
Obesity leads to reduced physical activity, pelvic congestion and subsequently reduced vaginal sensitivity and lack of sexual satisfaction;
Adverse effects on the potential of bad habits and addictions
Drug use in the early stages causes a feeling of release and excitement during sex.
But gradually, with addiction, psychostimulants will completely destroy the entire body:
- disturbed sleep;
- anxiety and irritability appear;
- Aggressive attacks are replaced by a passive mood;
- chronic diseases become more severe;
- loss of interest in sex;
- decreased immunity;
- Heart problems appear;
- Erection is lost.
Bad habits have an increasingly detrimental impact on the reproductive system and the entire body, unless you stop relying on toxic substances. Even in minimal quantities, they weaken health. Complete abandonment of bad habits does not guarantee 100% sexual health, but it reduces the risk of developing sexual dysfunction.
Addictions such as self-gratification or masturbation can affect potency. There is no direct connection between masturbation and potency- It does not reduce erection and does not reduce sexual desire. But psychosexual dysfunction occurs when a man loses interest in the opposite sex over time and develops an addiction, which is then very difficult to quit.
Regular self-gratification has physiological limitations:
- impaired ejaculation. It happened so fast;
- There is no complete emptying of the vas deferens. The normal sexual process is interrupted.
For emotional and physical satisfaction, it is more beneficial to have a regular sex life. This will protect your sexual health.
Related articles on the topic:
impaired ejaculation.
Physical form
Physical form directly affects potency.
Excess weight poses a particular danger to male strength. Obese people can suffer from sleep apnea, muscle and joint pain, high blood pressure, glucose resistance and even diabetes.
Impotence seems like a harmless consequence that threatens an obese man. Erectile dysfunction develops with abdominal obesity - waist circumference above 94 cm.
In addition, if men abuse bad habits and are over 45 years old, the risk of heart attack and stroke is very high.
Therefore, to normalize the health of the whole body, including increasing potency, it is enough to normalize weight.
At the same time, the disturbed male and female sex hormone imbalance will be restored in the blood. Adipose tissue tends to aromatize male hormones - androgens - into estrogen - female hormones.

With an increase in absolute estrogen, men's libido decreases, erectile dysfunction occurs, gynecomastia may develop - the mammary glands enlarge and motile forms of sperm will not be present in the sperm image.
Changes will occur in the psyche - a man under the influence of estrogen will be tearful, unstable and may fall into a state of depression.
All these problems can be avoided by losing those extra pounds. Men can do this with:
- Balancing diet;
- Sports activities;
- Limit beer consumption.
With regular exercise, blood testosterone levels increase and potency improves.
"The most beneficial sports for men are swimming, yoga, jogging and moderate exercise. "- advises members of the National Urological Association.
Various flora can cause inflammation.
Factors that negatively affect potency
The benefits and harms of each factor that negatively affects men's physiological ability need to be known by everyone to promptly prevent sexual dysfunction. It is especially important to know negative factors in order to protect yourself from their influence. The medical certificate describes the following prerequisites for impotence:
- Diseases of the genitourinary system -Any disease of the prostate of an acute or chronic nature, diseases of the testicles, urethra, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, inhibit the potency and all sexual functions of mengender.
- Endocrine diseases -The hormone testosterone is responsible for sexual activity and potency, and any hormonal disorders, pathologies of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus inhibit testosterone production. Diabetes mellitus is also an endocrine disease, so the question of whether sugar affects potency can be answered with an unequivocal yes.
- Overweight -The appearance of fat deposits negatively affects potency, especially when considering the abdominal area. Elevated lipid levels inhibit testosterone production by increasing the female hormone estrogen. Weight also negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation and leading to a deterioration in the quality of erection.
- Low mobility or excessive physical activity –Frequent sitting and lack of exercise contribute to the development of diseases of the reproductive system. And excessive physical activity will absorb most of the testosterone in the body, affecting sexual health.
- Taking certain groups of medicationsMedicine has established the negative effects of sedatives (antidepressants, sedatives), glucocorticoids and other hormonal drugs, beta blockers, diuretics, sedatives and psychotropic drugs. Especially if a man does not comply with the dosage and treatment regimen and arbitrarily uses such heavy drugs.
- Athletes using anabolic steroids -Many bodybuilders take this ingredient supplement to build muscle mass quickly and strongly. Despite the fact that steroids are a source of testosterone, after stopping the use of the supplement, the body, due to addiction, stops producing the necessary amount of natural hormones. Many low-quality supplements contain soy, a phytoestrogen that inhibits testosterone.
- Psychological disorders -The effect can be negatively affected by any stress, conflict situations, unfavorable climate in relations with a partner, inferiority complex, self-doubt, depression, nervous tension, insomniaand chronic fatigue.
- Acoholic drink -Alcohol destroys the structure and function of the liver, and there is a direct connection between the liver and the reproductive system. Liver dysfunction reduces the body's ability to produce testosterone. Alcohol also disrupts the work of the heart and vascular system, but the ability to have an erection directly depends on blood circulation and the condition of blood vessels (the effect of energy drinks is also taken into account). Alcohol reduces the conductivity of nerve receptors and impulses, and affects the center of the spine.

What is good for potency?
Types of impotence
There are different types of impotence. In this regard, it is classified into:
- Organic;
- Mentality;
- Mix.
With organic potency, changes are observed in the process of sexual arousal and the impulse to have sex. This shows that the man has sexual desire but the necessary reaction with the genitals does not occur. There is no erection.
Psychophysiological manifestations show disturbances in the process of forming stimulation pulses.Since it is the basis for initiating sex, its implementation becomes impossible. In this case, the erectile function of the reproductive system does not begin.
The most common type of disease is the mixed type. Because it combines the previous two. They not only complement each other but also give rise to appearance.
In this regard, it is classified into.