Impotence can surprise any man, regardless of age. At age 80, you won't pay much attention to this, but what should you do if you lose your strength in bed at age 30? In pharmacies and on the Internet you can find many drugs that help the "friend" recover once, providing only temporary salvation.

As a famous TV presenter said:"Impotence is a great opportunity for you to focus on your career. ". But what should people who are not at all happy about their poor health do? Pay attention to the most effective folk remedies developed by our great-grandfathers and which still work perfectly at home.
Before eliminating the consequences of sexual impotence in men, it is necessary to clearly understand what impotence is in general. Previously, only the complete lack of response of the genital organs to stimulation was called a disease, but now this concept has expanded significantly, and its symptoms include:
- Weakened sexual desire;
- Low testosterone levels;
- Faint erection;
- Inability to complete sexual intercourse due to flaccid penis;
- Loss of morning erection;
- Absolutely no sexual function.
The last sign is considered the most serious for men of all ages.If warning signs are not detected promptly, treating the dysfunction will be much more difficult and require more time and effort. Traditional methods of treating impotence can prevent decreased sexual desire in the opposite sex, increase elasticity when aroused, and help increase testosterone levels in the blood.
Traditional medicine methods use the power of nature to heal human "weaknesses": decoctions, animal extracts and acupressure. Such lotions can help an exhausted "friend" get back on his feet. However, we should not forget the need to adjust the treatment of impotence based on the cause of the disease:
- Severe and prolonged stress;
- Low testosterone levels;
- Age-related changes cause impotence;
- Daily habits are not correct;
- Alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse;
- Obesity and sedentary lifestyle;
- Sexually transmitted diseases;
- long-term infectious and rotavirus diseases;
- Previous injuries to the spine and hips;
- Change sexual partners frequently or abstain for long periods of time.
Do not forget that if the ability to "excitement" is completely lost, then the restoration of strength must be carried out by the attending physician.If you are at the stage of partial loss of erection, then you can try alternative medicine by choosing a suitable folk recipe for the treatment of impotence.

Treatment options
Erectile dysfunction is not uncommon today in men of all ages. Young people who sit in front of the computer for hours can fail in bed. That's why there are many methods to treat impotence.
Among the many options offered to men are the following:
- Change the environment and relieve psychology;
- Healthy lifestyle;
- Medical treatment;
- Using traditional medicine;
- Massage the genital area.
Don't forget that, in addition to congenital pathology, all stages of the disease can be treated. However, you should not rely on the use of one-time "miracle pills", because in most cases they only provide temporary relief and do not cure impotence.
There are many treatment options and the first of all popular advice for men of all ages is lifestyle changes. This method not only affects your ability to please women, but also strengthens your daily victories at work, prolongs your youth and gives you self-confidence. Any age group with stronger sex will benefit from:
- Reduce your intake of fatty foods, while protecting yourself from atherosclerosis and obesity;
- Do not snack on fast food, avoid processed foods and high-calorie desserts;
- Monitor cholesterol levels: high levels lead to clogged arteries and restricted blood flow to the genitals;
- Add physical activity: even a simple 15-minute walk in the fresh air will have a noticeable impact on the general condition of the body;
- Diversify your diet by including fruits and nuts, and monitor your diet;
- Supplement with vitamin complexes or natural gifts in the form of vegetables, fruits;
- Make sure you have enough vitamin A, which normalizes metabolism and is responsible for male strength;
- Normalizes the activity of the digestive tract;
- Reduce your daily caffeine intake: it is a stress stimulant, detrimental to your success in bed;
- Quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum: nicotine constricts blood vessels and reduces the ability of the penis to function normally.
Using these methods to treat impotence is simple and pleasant for all men of all ages. The reward will be an improvement in appearance: skin color, hair shine and slim figure, since all parameters will be positively affected by the vitamins and trace elements added to the regimeneat and drink. If the changes don't have the desired effect, you can use unique impotence treatments.

Modern medicine does not deny the benefits of acupressure in restoring or enhancing vitality in men of all ages. It will be especially effective when combined with lifestyle changes or vacations, as well as with medication but prescribed by the treating doctor for complicated periods of impotence.
Even age-related erectile dysfunction can be treated with such techniques. Furthermore, there are two types of procedures:
- Massage helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- Targeted effect on biologically active points in the pelvic area, responsible for male strength.
The first option is circular rotation in the lumbar region. The scoring method requires several skills:
- Find the active point on your hand. Place the palm down and the thumb and index finger of the other hand on the wrist bones, moving the fingers 15 mm toward the elbow. And also repeat on the second hand;
- There are points on the foot on the inside of the heel that need to be massaged;
- When starting prostate massage, finding active points in the groin and lower abdomen, you should consult a specialist. It's best to ask your doctor for instructions on how to exercise properly to get the best results.
This method of fighting impotence in alternative medicine is very popular. If you know acupuncturists, you can seek their services to speed up the healing process.
Folk remedies
People often say: "Tough men are not afraid of petty things in bed. "So, this statement also applies to those who are facing the problem of impotence, you can resort to the healing power of herbs and infusions, as well as some foods.
First of all, pay attention to ginger. This "gift" of nature is a real discovery for maintaining the functioning of genital organs in men, while helping to improve the function of the immune system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Treating impotence with folk remedies has been known since ancient times. Even great-grandfathers used the power of nature to enhance erections. Therefore, it is not surprising that ginger root and various recipes from it are in such demand in the age of computer technology.
Among all folk recipes, the simplest is drinking tea with ginger. To do this, simply pour a teaspoon of grated root with two cups of boiling water and let the mixture brew for 40 minutes.
Root juice has unique properties. To do this, grind fresh ginger and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. The liquid is stored in the refrigerator and dripped into the tea to achieve the desired effect. A cure for impotence in men of all ages:
- Take 1 kg of ginger root and grind it on a coarse grinder.
- Pour the resulting mixture with 1 liter of vodka.
- Leave the mixture for a month and a half in a dark and cool place.
- Measure 100 g of the resulting liquid and pour in 300 g of alcohol.
- Let it sit for another 2 weeks.
- Take 10 drops before going to bed.
Such unique tinctures, made with your own hands, have a long-lasting effect on the body and have a cumulative effect. After just a few days of use, 90% of men begin to feel a surge of energy and enjoy morning erections.

Caution should be exercised when using medications containing alcohol. Discuss this treatment for impotence with your doctor first. In 10% of cases, the tincture has an effect against men's physiological abilities.
Other folk remedies for male enhancement include ginseng, or more precisely, its roots. An effective recipe for preparing tincture of impotence at home is simple, but methods of treatment with alcohol are not suitable for everyone:
- Cut a piece from the base (2 cm) and put it in a jar.
- Pour in 3. 5 liters of pure vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.
- The very next day you can drink the health elixir.
Take this remedy a glass three times a day before meals and the effect on potency will be felt after a week of treatment.
In order not to get used to the tincture of soaked roots, you can try the power of walnuts yourself. This product is rich in vitamins and can have a positive effect on men's physiology, delaying or curing sexual impotence.

Eating 15 pieces a day is enough. to achieve desired results or use one of the following impotence cure recipes using nuts:
- Mix 12 walnuts with dried fruit, 200 g each. (prunes, raisins, figs). Grind all the elements with a mixer and pour in kefir. Take 2 tbsp. I. before bedtime.
- Eat a glass of walnuts in the morning, drink it with a glass of fresh goat milk.
- Grind nuts in a blender and pour in equal proportions of honey. There are 3 tablespoons. I. three times a day for a month.
Interesting method
Modern youth often joke that men are input-output devices. If this is no longer about you, it's time to take responsibility for your health. In the old days, there was no cure for erectile dysfunction, while all heads of families were able to perform well in bed until old age.
Such results are the result of proper nutrition and the use of traditional medicine in the treatment of impotence.
Among the effective folk ways to restore men's strength and erection in the morning, completely curing impotence at any age, the following can be mentioned:
- Peppermint, St. John's wort, clover and nettle. Mix 1 tablespoon chopped dried herbs. I. in a thermos, dilute them with a liter of boiling water. You need to drink a glass three times a day;
- Add celery, cilantro, dill and parsley to your diet. This green color has a positive effect on blood flow to the genitals;
- Buy dried rosehip roots and crushed fruit. Pour 10 grams of boiling water into a glass. Take 2 tbsp. I. three times a day;
- Go to a real sauna and then take a nap. This will heal the body and give strength;
- Some men report positive effects from a night's sleep in a water bath at 36. 5°C;
- Prepare, as in a fairy tale, two large buckets of hot and cold water. And jump from one to another every 1. 5 minutes.
Every means is good in the fight for strength in bed and salvation from impotence. Don't forget that you can always ask your other half to diversify sex life by adding a game element or installing a mirror: for 80% of the stronger sex, at the first failure, the methodThis is enough to believe in yourself again.
If none of the home remedies for impotence help, it's time to see your doctor for professional help. And remember, the earlier you start treatment at any age, the more effective it will be.